Wiring Manual For Defrost Board Lennox 46k67 Zip
In a previous post, I mentioned that control boards are replaced and there is really nothing wrong with them. In recent months, there has been an increased number of defrost boards from split system heat pumps returned for warranty. In-house testing of some returned boards has found that a majority of the boards were not defective.
Wiring Manual For Defrost Board Lennox 46k67 Zip
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These defrost boards have an internal five-minute compressor time delay that will be initiated anytime the room thermostat satisfies or the high pressure switch opens. In regards to the time delay, one thing that has been seen is that if there is a problem with the compressor contactor coil (such as being shorted or pulling in rough, or sticking occasionally) the board will have a tendency to go through the five-minute time delay, attempt to energize the compressor contactor, but will immediately return to another five-minute time delay and continuing repeating the time delay.
Yes they did allow me to return the board back found that the new board want in to defrost either Iplace the pin cause board test mode go into defrost did work for what they show me. So I decide to go with ICM defrost board it work I just return Lennox back for refund the were not happy say when temperature were 54degree it want go in defrost that is crazy should be able to still jump test pin to make it in defrost mode with in 5 to 21 second if please I formed me with more information , thank You
I confirmed from the pub that defrost initiates no sooner than 40 minutes of accumulated compressor run time after the previous defrost cycle and ONLY IF the difference in outdoor coil temp and outdoor ambient temp calls for defrost. My concern is that each time the 40 minutes of accumulated run time passes, the unit defrosts without fail, even with little or no frost buildup, even when the ambient temperature is just below 50 degrees. (It refrains from defrosting if the ambient temp is above 50 as the manual says it should).
I have a very old York model EICPO30AO-6a and it quit defrosting, after inspecting I noticed the tube that goes into the evap coil is missing off the defrost timer , can you supply some info on how this set up works . Had a new main board about 5 years ago.
The main board replacement was a direct cross , no mods ,no time temp adjustment , the defrost control is mounted on the front panel section with the tube port on the switch. So I can test the defrost control with a vacuum pump ? Dealer did say way back this was a weak link . is there an update for this . The tube is probably inside the condenser somewhere .
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