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Grayson Myers
Grayson Myers

Planetary Annihilation TITANS Fusion Build 1155...

Planetary Annihilation Inc is a new company comprised of original PA developers and long-time community contributors. Our sole focus is Planetary Annihilation. -annihilation-inc-the-future-of-pa-and-titans/

Planetary Annihilation TITANS Fusion Build 1155...

  • *Must meet Minimum System Requirements for offline play Game Title: Planetary Annihilation: TITANS

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  • Metacritic: -annihilation-titans/results/

  • Genre: Action, Indie, Strategy

  • Developer: Planetary Annihilation Inc

  • Publisher: Planetary Annihilation Inc

  • User Rating: ?10,922 ?1,961 Very Positive

  • Release Date: 18 Aug, 2015

Planetary Annihilation TITANS Fusion Update Build 115872-ANOMALY

The combination process has its roots in the "mass intellect" experiments carried out by the Decepticons during the earliest phases of the Great War; building off the well-established science of mechanically combining bodies, the next step would be to mesh individual electro-neural impulses together into a unified mind. Following the failure of the planetary engine turbines, Transformers: The Ultimate Guide Megatron recruited the Constructicons to refine this technology into a viable weapon that would multiply a small group of warriors beyond the sum of their parts, but early experiments into this "cofunctional interlock" technology proved unsuccessful: the mind-merging experiments amplified stronger minds and drowned out weaker ones. More than Meets the Eye #8

The proliferation of nuclear weapons in the Middle East is leading to increasing concern for their impending use in this volatile region. While Israel has been recognized (though not declared) as having nuclear weapons for decades, the rapid pace of uranium enrichment by Iran has led to the widespread conclusion that this nation will also have a stockpile of nuclear weapons in the near future. Recent repeated declarations of a desire for the annihilation of Israel by Iranian leadership, and the propensity of Israel for preempting similar intentions by others in the past, leads to the consideration that a nuclear weapon exchange is feasible in this initial time-frame in which both Israel and Iran could have substantial nuclear weapons available to use against each other. Analysis of the impact of nuclear weapon use on American cities has revealed the shocking outcome in mortality and morbidity in densely occupied urban areas. Nuclear weapons with larger than 100 Kt yields were found to generate predominantly thermal and fallout radiation casualties, able to cause burns and generate fires at distances considerably greater than building damage, and to spread lethal levels of fallout for many kilometers, causing radiation casualties many kilometers downwind from detonation [1, 2]. The key factors in the dramatic differences in impact of an Iranian/Israeli nuclear exchange will be the lower fission yields, numbers of weapons, and less accurate targeting of the Iranian forces relative to the Israeli nuclear capabilities.

Solar energetic particles or SEPs from suprathermal (few keV) up to relativistic (few GeV) speeds are accelerated near the Sun in at least two ways, namely, (1) by magnetic reconnection-driven processes during solar flares resulting in impulsive SEPs and (2) at fast coronal-mass-ejection-driven shock waves that produce large gradual SEP events. Large gradual SEP events are of particular interest because the accompanying high-energy (>10s MeV) protons pose serious radiation threats to human explorers living and working outside low-Earth orbit and to technological assets such as communications and scientific satellites in space. However, a complete understanding of SEP events has eluded us primarily because their properties, as observed near Earth orbit, are smeared due to mixing and contributions from many important physical effects. Thus, despite being studied for decades, several key questions regarding SEP events remain unanswered. These include (1) What are the contributions of co-temporal flares, jets, and CME shocks to impulsive and gradual SEP events?; (2) Do flares contribute to large SEP events directly by providing high-energy particles and/or by providing the suprathermal seed population?; (3) What are the roles of ambient turbulence/waves and self-generated waves?; (4) What are the origins of the source populations and how do their temporal and spatial variations affect SEP properties?; and (5) How do diffusion and scattering during acceleration and propagation through the interplanetary medium affect SEP properties observed out in the heliosphere? This talk describes how during the next decade, inner heliospheric measurements from the Solar Probe Plus and Solar Orbiter in conjunction with high sensitivity measurements from the Interstellar Mapping and Acceleration Probe will provide the ground-truth for various models of particle acceleration and transport and address these questions.

Energetic particles are accelerated in rich profusion at sites throughout the heliosphere. They come from solar flares in the low corona, from shock waves driven outward by coronal mass ejections (CMEs), from planetary magnetospheres and bow shocks. They come from corotating interaction regions (CIRs) produced by high-speed streams in the solar wind, and from the heliospheric termination shock at the outer edge of the heliospheric cavity. We sample all these populations near Earth, but can distinguish them readily by their element and isotope abundances, ionization states, energy spectra, angular distributions and time behavior. Remote spacecraft have probed the spatial distributions of the particles and examined new sources in situ. Most acceleration sources can be "seen" only by direct observation of the particles; few photons are produced at these sites. Wave-particle interactions are an essential feature in acceleration sources and, for shock acceleration, new evidence of energetic-proton-generated waves has come from abundance variations and from local cross-field scattering. Element abundances often tell us the physics the source plasma itself, prior to acceleration. By comparing different populations, we learn more about the sources, and about the physics of acceleration and transport, than we can possibly learn from one source alone. 041b061a72


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