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Grayson Myers
Grayson Myers

GoodGame Empire Hack.rar

I6 THE HSRIGTON WASHINGTON HERALD HERA THURSDAY THUBsDaUs19o7 AUGUST 29 1907fRECRUITS LOOK GOOD GOODCantil10nCantiilon Says He Has Some SotneSuture SomeFut1ucSuture Stars StarsDOUBIiEHEADER StarsDOUBIiBILEADER j jj jDOIJBEEffBADEE jDOIJBEEffBADEE WITH BOSTON BOSTONNational BOSTONntlonnJHNational Will ill Open a Series with ivltliMcGnires wltbJlcGnircMcGnires Club nt National Park ParkThis ParkThis rar rarThisThis Afternoon AttcrnoonDJnllkenlfbh BlankcnshliJ and andWarner nndnrncrWarner nrncr Are Ready Rend to Vork WorkTomukin VorkTOInlklnTomukin and Shannon Go GoThe GoTheThe Nationals NatIon returned from f m the West Westearly Westarlyearly last night and this tbI afternoon the theclub theclubclub will open with a doubleheader a athreeday athr athreenaythreeday thr RY aeries with Jim McGirires Bos Boston Boton Bc ton team tenmDespite teamDespiteDespite the fact that there was 188 nothing nothingremarkable n nothIngremarkable USlne USlneremarkableremarkable about the number of ames giunewon ameswon gemeewonwon by b the club while on the Western Westerncircuit twtern twterncircuitcircuit of o the league Joe Cantllton thinks thinksthat thinkstbat thlnkthatthat the trip was was in a way highly satis satisfactory tis t1s factory as it demonstrated that several severalof aever1otof the latest recruits are real ball play players pla plaera playera era who will shine after a little more moreexperience moreexpeJ1enexperience expeJ1en In Milan UIan the manager manager be believes be believes lieves that he has one of the very best bestplayers be beatplayers t tplaersplayers picked up by any major league leagueciub leA e eclubclub and nd so well has the Wichita man manshown manshownshown up that he will probably ie oe e alter alternated alternated alternated nated with Jones JODea Clymer and Ganley Ganleyuntil Ganle Ganleuntiluntil it is demonstrated emon which three men menare menareare the best for the regular re 1ar outfield posi positions positions posttions tions tionsEvery tionsEveryEvery member of the team who was wasseen wuaeenseen last night expressed the opinion that thatit thatitit will be some time before Tony Smith Smiththe Smiththe Smtththethe Galveston shortstop abort top leaves lea ves the theAmerican ueAmtrIcan theAmericanAmerican League When John Anderson Andersontook Andersontooktook French leave the club was in a abad abadbad way wa for players and Cantilkm agreed agreedtoto give glv Smith a tryout try out intending to re return return turn the player te t the Texas league as assoonsoon ag a some other inflelder could be ob obtained obtained tained From the beginning nntnl Smith star starred starredred In the field and so sensational was washis washis as asJishis work in several games that even the theWestern theWestemWestern writers wno who are not inclined to toenthuse toenthuseenthuse oer young players on visiting visitingteams VtMtingteams tine tinettamteams were practically unanimous in de declaring de dedaring daring Smith most promising promisingKing promlsiDlKing promisingKingKing Bill Kay did good work with the thebat thebat thebatbat in praoticaily every game in which whichhe whichhehe ne participated but the only drawback drawba k to tothe tothethe big West W 8t Virginian is his slowness In Inthe Inthethe field and on the bases If be could couldovercome couldoercomtovercome these e two weaknesses Kay Kaywould Kaywould Kaywouldwould be a most m t valuable man for all of ofthe ofthe 01thethe pitchers against whom be hit seem seemed em emto ed to look the same to the big bt fellow fellowPete fellowPetePete OBrien did such good work ork Alter afterjoining Alterjoiningjoining the club that Cantiilon gave him himthe himthethe preference over Bill Shipke OBrien OBrienhas OBrienbas OBrienhashas hit bit and fielded fairly well but his hisgreatest his hisgrt8test hisgreatestgreatest strength lies In his ability to todirect 18diltIsLdirect the infield on sudden plays when whenquick whellqtick whenqtlck Lquick thinking is necessary necessaryDave ry ryDaveDave Altizer has been performing bet better bettfor better ter at first base than he did at either eithershortstop eI r rshortstopshortstop or center field and the exoat exoatlaw exoutlalaw la w will probably finish the th season at atthe atthe 1 1thethe initial corner cornerAs cornersAs A s soon as Jim Blocks Block finger mended mendedCintillon mendedC IC Cintillon mtlUon had no further use for Shan Shannon Shannon non the catcher who was wa loaned by byMike bylike b rMike like Kelley when Heydon quit the dub dubso dubsaso the backstop backstophas has hs been returned to toDes toDes t tDesDes Moines Moln and the catching will be bedone bedone bdone by Kahoe Block and Blankenship BlankenshipBlankenship BlanknshlpBlankenshipBlankenship had his injured digit exam examined examIned ined by a Wisconsin conatn specialist while wh e tb tbclub the theclubclub was on the road The Th doctor told toldthe toldthe tOICthe Ithe catched that the finger had been Get Getproperly setpro ne t tproperlyproperly pro ry but that no Do attempt should be bemade 1femade b i imademade to play until the injured member memberhad rhad had a rest restYesterday restYYesterday Y fsterday Blankenship Blankenahl was wa at the park parkcatching parkrathing par Ccatching Hughes and last night he re reported reported reported ported to Cantilion that he feels that he heis heIs hiis ready to to get into harness at once The Themanager Tbemanag Thimanagermanager manag r thinks that It would be foolish foolishto h hto t ttoto take a chance at this time so the Cal Californian Caltrornlan Californianifornian is not likely to play for a week weekAnother eek eekAAnother A nothfr bit of encouraging encoura tnc ceived reiy d by Cantiilon yesterday was that tJack Warner will rejoin the club at once onceand onceand or C Candand will be able to work within a a weekThis news came cam m In a a letter from War Warners Warners Warners ners doctor in New York Jack Is ex expected expected cxpected pected here today or tomorrow tomorrowGranvllle tomorrowGranvJUe tomorrowGranvilleGranvllle Tonkin Tonkinthe the pitcher who whochtained was wasobtained v vchtalnedobtained from Martinsburg Mutln Martlnsbur burg W r Va at atthe atthe a t tthethe same time as Kay has been shipped shippedto shipeitoto Des Moines to develop under the uM eye eyeof eie eieof Cof Mike Kelley Kelle Tonkin showedup upstrong upstrong ui uistrongstrong in practice but in the only game gamein gameIn geniiinin which he twirled was wa so wild thatCantiilon decided to give ve him a little littlemore littlemore littlemoremore minor league experience It is isunderstood isundt isunderstoodunderstood undt > rstood that a string Is attached to toTonkin toTonkinTonkin and be can be recalled If he hedoes hedoes heaa does good work in the Western league leagueIn leagueIn leagueInIn case Cantiilon Cantillonshould should decide to let letTony letTony letTonyTony Smith go and leave the position positionofof shortstop to Altfeer and McBride the theWashington theaahJngton theWashingtonWashington aahJngton club could realize a neat sum sumin sumin sumInin a saie of the former fonoerTexas Texas leaguer leaguerCharley leaguerCbarle leagueChancyCharley Cbarle Comtekey Coml key sounded the Washi Washiington Wash Washington Washingtonington manager while Smith was doing doinggreat doingat doinggeatgreat at work In Chicago but Cantiilon told toldthe toldthe toldthethe Old Roman that there was nothing nothingdoing nothln nothlndoing nothingdoingdoing in a sale of the young shortstop shortstopatat this time George Tebeau telegraphed telegraphedCantilkxn telegraphedCanU110n telegraphedCantllonCantilkxn that the fame of little Smith Smithhad Smithhad Smithhadhad spread to Kansas City and that that thatclub thatclub j jclubclub was willing wiU to part with SCIOO 2000 ini iniexchange In Inexchange inexchangeexchange for the player IJI yer but Cantiilon Cantlllondeclined Cantillondeclined jdeclined to consider the bid bidNot bidNot bidNotNot a word has been received by any anyof anyof anyofof the officiate of the club from John JohnAnderson JohnAnder JohnAndersonAnderson on or Ned Heydon and nothing nothingisis known of their plant for the future futureUntil futJrerntU futureVntIlUntil the players make makeome some moves 1IIOVtS they theywill theywill theywillwill be kept under suspension which whichbars whichba whichbarsbars ba r them from organized ball bailCharley ballCharley balLChancyCharley Smith and Jim Block will be beWashingtons beWuhlnton beWashingtonsWashingtons battery in the opening openinggame op openinggame nlng nlnggamegame today while bile Walter Johnson and anduke hd hdMike d dMikeMike Kahoe I ahoe will 111 probably bIy perform in inthe Inthe Inthethe latter lat r contest Cy Young may pitch pitchone pitchone pitchoneone of the games for ron Boston BostonBecause BostonBecau BostonBecauseBecause e of trouble over the permit and andInsurance andInsura andInsuranceInsurance Insura e the work of building a club clubhouse clubhonae clubhouse house at National Park has not yet been beenstarted beenstated beenntatndstarted This morning a conference will willbe fillbe flL flLbebe held between the builders and Cn Cntlllon CautInon Cantilontlllon and it is hoped to have the house houseready J1OU8eready housereadyready for the reception re pUon of the players playerswhen playerswhen payers payerswhenwhen the club returns from the last trip tripof trIpof tripofof the season on September 14 14 In the themeantime themeantime themeantimemeantime the men will dress at theirhotels and go to the grounds in automo biles bilesIn bileeIn bileaInIn going after a fly in one of the games gamesat gamesll gamesatat St St Louis Loul Otis Clymer slipped and the theball theball theballball hit him on the point of his shoe sb08 rip ripping ripping ripping ping one of his toenails completely off offClymer ofClymer offClymerClymer was in agony qOl1 for a while When Whenhe Whenhe hen henhehe came bopping oppln to the bench Cantttkm Cantttkmtold CantJIlolltold Cantiflontoldtold him that hewould have made a agreat alNat agreatgreat catch had he had his stove fn n his htetoe hIi1toe histoetoe and andwell wellanyhow Clymer has re recovered reeoveM recovered covered and will probably be In the thegame thegame thegamegame today todayIn todaylu todayInIn todays doubleheader the Nationalslineop will probably be AHizer first firstbase ftrstbase firstbasebase Delehanty second secon4ba base Tony TSmith shortstop OBrien third base baseClymer bAseLJymer baseClymerClymer left field Jones Jo eS or Milan lIpan center centerfield eentOr eentOrn cent r rfieldfield n ld Ganley right field Kahoe K oe and andBlock aDdBlock andBlockBlock catchers and Charley Smith and andJohnson andJohD andJohnsonJohnson JohD on pitchers pitchersHEIDELBERG piteh pitchersHEIDELBERG rs rsHEIDELBERGHEIDELBERG HEIDELBERGTheThe Premier Cigar of Today TodayHENDERSON TodczyHENDERSON TodrzyHENDERSONHENDERSON e CO Agents Agents143Z1432 N Y YAve Ave and ro th and nd FStj N W WSS>CAUGHT CAUGHTON George McBride MeThideis Is Is batting tOO C8 for Kan Kanset Kanaft Kanaset aft seil a City CityBender CttyBender t4tyBenderBender landed tandtdtweh twelva straight and lost losthis losttIs lostshis il s thirteenth by th t the 9hnrdut > hardest idnd of ofluck ofhick ofcklu luck ckluckSuchSuch uelc Venable V ntibllJ of o this thlsclt city ity keeps keepsp t Ops Opsupup u p his goffd go d work at third IrdbuQ base for forVhe tGr1beeJllI5 forbeelIngW Vhe 1beeJllI5 1beeJllI5Nag beelIngNig iisr iisrNigNig Perrlne has not hit DOt N slnoo slnoohe slnOihe sln slnJoinedhe hea joined Minneapolis M1nn o1m His latest aver average 8vorage averge age a ge is 498l 498lFmnk 1RlPrankItllen l lFrankhenaFrank lPrankItllen KUlen tire timplro Who rho was as asmuUed assautetl asultedmuUed na ulted at JS EftnsJIle ansvJle last week we k Is able ableto ablehato heout b out again againSun againSam againSamSam Edmonston the Washrngtonlan Washrngtonlanhithit hi t 381 for 13 games for Des Moines in inthe inthe Inethe th e Western restern league loaguaThere IOftgu IOftguThere leagueThereThere liave been some 05 shutouts In Inthe Inthe Inethe th thI e Connecticut League to t more than ICO ICOin 1tIOII 1fOthein I the New England EnglandManager EaglandMauager EnglandManagerManager Smith of Atlanta fined Pitch Pitcher PltchSpade PitchSpade er It Spade ID 10 the other day for falling to tocover tocover toovercover c over first on a bunt buntJoe buntJoe buntJoeJoe Stanley Stanle seems unable to hit a good goodstride gOOi1strtde goodridestride st ride at Louisville Bin record for the theseason the8eH theasunseason 8eH se asun n thu tqUI ua far Is only 821 821Jerry 1t211errY 21 21Ser1yJerry Freeman t te e c future National Nationalhas NaUonalhas Nationaldroppedhas dropped droppedofC off a few prints nts In Itta h1abll h1ablltm ht httlhg hitzigtlhg tm ti zig His average is nOw now 2flS 2flSShannon mShannon 2SShannonShannon the new new backstop had a abatting nbatting aattingbatting b record of 288 S when Cantiilon or ordered ordered orared dered d ared him to join the Nationals NationalsJess NationalsJUI NationalsJoenJess Burkett has been released by the theWorc tIeWotCestel theorceatetWorc WotCestel W orceatet stef club but It Is a good wdger wdgerhe wigere ger gerhehe h e will be signed again next season seasonTefieaus 8e8SnTe seasonTelletusTefieaus Te eaus two teams Louisville and andKansas andansas nd ndansasKansas K ansas ansas City are very W close to each other otherin otherIn otherthein the American Am riaan Association race raceColumbus raceColumbus raceColumbusColumbus won one game out of eight eightplayed otghtplaed eightlayedplayed p layed in Milwaukee thIs season ZS0 aa aathan raid auethen raidhenthan t took both games of a doubleheader doubleheaderJohnny doublehe doubleheaderJohnny der derJehnnyJohnny Kling great catcher and pool poolshark poolshark poolharkshark s hark uses u es a 20pound = pound stick In the th for former former forer mer i er business and a 28ounee 2Ioun cue In the thelatter theJatt1 theatterlatter latterJake Jatt1 l atterJake r rJakeJake Stahls team nas vtas s shut out 4 to toe tolast0 last Sunday Sund t Doe Hillebrand pitching pitchingfor pitcAl pitcAltor pitchlnorfor f or Stahls club was ftS touched up for f r ten tenhit tanblta tonitshit blta h its by a Chicago semipro outfit outfitLarry outfitLarry ut t tLarryLarry Lajole will b be thirtytwo years yearsof yearsof yearsfof o f age on onSeptembor September S L and Cleveland Clevelandfans Cloveandfans Clevelandansfans f ans are preparing prep rlng for a groat demon domorfstratton demontratlon demostrattonstratton s on that day for the leader of ofthe atthe ofhethe t he Naps NapeJlnunie NapsJimmie NapsJimmieJimmie Lavinder who held Portsmouth Portsmouthtoto t o one run In eighteen innings on Satur Saturday Saturda Saturay day da d ay has been sold to t the Athletics and andwfll andw andvflIwfll l report there after the Virginia league tengueetoeee engueclo leaguelosesetoeee etoeeeThey c M MThey losesTheyThey say that Outfielder Burke is re reneVoing reewingewing n his acquaintance with the fences foneesin fencesnin i n the Connecticut league le gue This Is the theplayer thoplayer thelayerplayer p layer Chic 0 Green recommended to toJake toJake tokeJake J ke Stahl last year yearMartin yo yearMartin r rMartnMartin Martn Walsh alsll brother of the famous famousEd famousEd famousWalshEd Walsh WaJah at the White Sox Sox Is the theleading theINdIDC theeadingleading l pitcher of the Danville Da1JIete team m of ofthe otthe ofhethe t he Virginia Vlr nl League Lea e and is lOAding the theleague thel theagueleague l le ague having won thirteen out of fifteen lifteengame ftlteengames fifteenamesgame g ames Ho Is fbtttng batting about aboUtW aboUtW5qtao 351 351SajNttho 3 3SaythoSajNttho Springfield Republican If Con ConDanaher ConDanahet ConDanahotDanaher has succeeded In making the theNew theNew theNewNew York National part with real mon money money ey 0 7 for West r 5t and Wade hes a dandy dandyBoth dandyBoth dandyoth0BBoth B oth are good ood men in the Connecticut Connecticutleague Connectleutleague Connecticuteagueleague l eague but they dont shine much even eventhere oventhere evenherethere thereTommy thereTomm t hereTommyTommy Tomm Connolly who succeeded Sheri Sheridan Sheridan Sherlan dan d an on the local field Is the most popu popular popular popur lar m r umpire on the staff both with players playersand playersand pisyersndand a nd bugs He does his work earnestly earnestlyand earnestl earnestlaDd earnestlyndand a nd does net excite the animosity antmosU of the theplayers thepIR1ers thelayersplayers p layers and crowd by snarls sralDet enarIeDetrtt enarIeDetrttournal Detrrtt DetrrttJournal t tJournalJournal JournalOn JournalOn J a aOnOn Bowlers day bet h er 10 10 New York will send on Outfielder OutfielderBrowne OutfielderBrowne OutfielderBrowneBrowne the Washington boy OO for the thespeed thespeed thepeedspeed s contests Brooklyn will send Ma Matoney MaIone Maosteytoney Ione l ostey for base running and Mclntire for forthe forthe forhethe t he fungo hitting Chicago will send sendKlUg sendKIIg sendKIIgKIIg for the throwing throwingflIINiimJport throwingWnN throwIngVPflhIrntortWnN VPflhIrntort flIINiimJport m Port Is begging the batting battinghonors btitUngboftors battinginhonors in the TrlState Joe Detehanty Detehantycontinues D6lehantycontinues Delehantyontinuescontinues c to hold his place at the head headof heador headfof o f the league le gU8 procession proce slon with 116 11 hits hitsfor hitsCor hitsorfor f or fit times at bat an average of MS MSWolverton It ItWolverton Z13WolvertonWolverton has a percentage of 10 points pointsleas pointse poIntsessleas l ess and nd Is second then comes OHar OHarWhen OHarben OHarWhenWhen ben Kittredge was manager of the theMontreal theMontrealR theMorurealsMontreal he was roasted by the news newspapers ne newsiepers s sPflperli papers l and fans for exchanging Hunter HunterHill HunterHm HunterHIllHill the exN


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