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Where To Buy Chromecast 2

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where to buy chromecast 2

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YouTube TV has a lot to offer. You can stream live content, watch regional channels, and view your favorite shows on popular sports, entertainment, and news channels. Anyone wanting to go cable-free can enjoy a wide selection of top-tier channels all in one place. To sweeten the deal, you get six accounts per household, and you can enable it almost anywhere: smart TV, Google Chromecast, Roku, Apple TV, and even your gaming consoles.

At the time of writing a tempting reason to go for the Chromecast 2 is that buying it from the Google Play Store means you get 20 credit to spend on content. Google also has an ongoing Chromecast Offers scheme where customers get things like free film rentals.

However, Google has released version 2 of their dongle and now you can get the google chromecast 2 which promises amazing performance at the same price. Some of the new features include screen mirror, but also gaming mirroring, and content aggregation.

This is very useful, since no more will you need to access each app individually in order to stream your desired content from it. You can therefore watch videos from Vimeo and Netflix alongside with videos recently added to the BBC iPlayer, for instance. Better yet, the google chromecast 2 also features a cross platform search function. What this means is that you can search for content from all other apps installed on your device, making the Chromecast 2 a truly all in 1 entertainment hub.

Next, install the Chome Web browser on your notebook (it supports Windows and Mac OS X), followed by the Chromecast setup app (go to The installer will then connect your notebook to the Chromecast via Wi-Fi (you temporarily lose your Internet connection), and configure the Chromecast to work on your local wireless network. In all, the process takes five minutes, tops.

With the spread of Smart TVs and TV Boxes, viewing online material has now become easier than ever. But what if you could watch movies and TV series on a TV, directly from your computer or cellphone, easily and without the need for any annoying cables? Check out our guide for information on what Google Chromecast is, where to find it, and how to use it. 041b061a72


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